December 4-5, 2015
A play within a play within.
Lives converge and creativity
holds the floor.
Giving and receiving.
Tonight is an improvisation of memory,
reflection, now and future collaborations – a
big circle of wealthy minds and hearts.
Here tonight we celebrate Soul in form. Let
us sing for ourselves, for our friends, for our
planet, for those in body and those in
transition and those in spirit. Let us dance
for the end of strife. Let us dance as an
invitation. Let us speak from our truths and
make space for intelligence to fly.
Director / Choreographer: Sara Shelton Mann
Design Director: David Szlasa
Music Director: Norman Rutherford
Performed by former Contraband members and Collaborators from the last 30+ years:
Keith Hennessy, Jules Beckman, Julie Kane, Lauren Elder, Kim Epifano, Jess Curtis, Nina Hart, Marintha Tewksbury, Kathleen Hermesdorf, Abby Crain, Brenton Cheng, Leslie Seiters, Albert Mathias, Andrew Kushkin, Peter Whitehead, Austin Forbord, Matthew DeGumbia, Karen Shaffman, Alexander Zendzian, Emily Leap, Rajendra Serber, Christine Bonansea, Jesse Hewit, Anya Cloud, Beth Graczyk, Alia Swersky, Ronja Ver, Kristen Greco, Carmen Serber, Dasha Che, Miriam Wolodarski, Larry Arrington, Daiane Lopes De Silva, Weidong Yang, Maryanna Lachmann, Esme Kundanis-Grow, James Graham, Hannah Wasielewski, Lisa DeBassio, Kevin Dockery, Lila Dodge
This event was 4 hours and 45 minutes in duration, exit and re-entry was permitted based on room capacity.
Erasing Time is supported in part by awards from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Kenneth Rainin Foundation, the San Francisco Arts Commission, the Zellerbach Family Foundation, and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.
Photos by Robbie Sweeny