To schedule an appointment email 1saramann@gmail.com or call 415-734-7344.
Sara Shelton Mann offers a unique and powerful approach to energetic healing work she has developed through years of study with esteemed practitioners in a variety of spiritual, psychological and physical disciplines.
Energetic healing supports personal transformation by clearing the blockages that have kept you from living your life’s purpose. Emotional and psychological obstacles can be seen as energy blockages in the body and can be cleared through various techniques.
Sara’s work involves using dowsing rods to access the etheric (or energetic) body, asking what is up for healing, and clearing the cords that bind us to our wounding. People experience profound shifts when doing this work. Sara holds sacred space and guides you through a process that restores balance and flow to your energetic body so that you may experience greater physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
While Sara is deeply intuitive, her work is informed by a range of concrete modalities, including Quantum Touch, Energy Medicine, Reconnective Healing, Pranic Healing, Shamanic Medical QiGong, NLP, Dowsing, Gestalt and Developmental Psychology. Her teachers have included Hameed Ali, Caroline Cory and Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, to name a few. Additionally, she received certification in Intuition Medicine™through the Intuition Medicine Academy of Marin.
Photo by Mark McBeth
Photo by Robbie Sweeny
Techniques used:
Visual Design by Lauren Elder in Erasing Time 2015
Photo by Robbie Sweeny
Dowsing – balancing your energy fields and removing blockages.
Bars – a tool that allows us to move from polarity to receiving. It slows down your brain waves and deletes files that you no longer need. You become more and more present and conscious. It is the foundation of Access Consciousness founded by Gary M. Douglas.
The Reconnection (TM) – realignment with yourself – a one time/lifetimes reconnection to your ongoing purpose and path. This private must be done over a 2 day period and in person. The Reconnection (TM) brings in the “new” axiatonal lines that enable us to standardize unique vibratory levels and frequencies for healing and ultimately, for our evolution. These axiatonal lines are part of a parallel-dimensional circulatory system that draws the basic energy for the renewal functions of the human body.
Reconnective Healing (TM)– energetic healing that brings in higher frequencies.
Dowsing Sessions – Energetic balancing gives you a tune up that brings energy and harmony to all of your bodies. Over time your vibration shifts to a higher level and many unwanted patterns fall away. A dowsing session may include retrieving information from your past held in the unconscious and emotional body( that usually effect the physical body over time) and clearing it. It may also include working with family situations, spaces, meetings, and just about anything you can imagine.